Valuable Guidance For Travel Bloggers

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Hello all! I put together this little publication in hopes of helping aspiring or established travel entrepreneurs/bloggers. In this edition, I cover tips and tricks for increasing the exposure of your content (aka how to make your content stand out), actionable steps to gain a quality Instagram follower base and a bootcamp style lesson on search engine optimization. It is my hope that you find this information valuable and that it is a helpful tool for your efforts to grow. Please let me know what you think! Simply click on the image to view the full pdf document. We also have a nice little growing community of like minded travel bloggers on Facebook where we share lessons learned, best practices and network. You are welcome to join! Click here to join–>  The Travel Entrepreneur Facebook Group

28 thoughts on “Valuable Guidance For Travel Bloggers

    1. Yay!! Glad to hear. I am trying to pick up on topics that people need guidance on and will do my best to put out the most useful information I can find. Thanks again!


  1. Thank you for all the great info. I’ve been working on my blog for a little over a year and I am pretty clueless when it comes to gaining more readers. I will definitely be trying some of these tips!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Betsy! Interacting with other people’s content is high on the list so you are already well on your way 🙂 Thanks for reaching out and I am hopeful that the tips help in your goal of gaining more viewers!


    1. Awesome! The advice in that section is pretty solid. All to often people tell others how to gain a massive following but neglect the importance of acquiring a QUALITY following. Gals it was helpful!


  2. Hi, just reblogged your post on my own blog which I hope is ok. Just followed you on Instagram too from @twodoctors where we highly value a community who engage with us of around 150 recently culled from 450! Thank for following our blog too, will read your advice PDF this afternoon and come back. B.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi again, promised to come back …. so here goes! Although aimed at businesses your guidance also gives good advice for non business bloggers overall. Content is king, whether business blog or not!
        Guest posting a great idea, if someone will host you, similar to collaborating.
        Instagram stuff:
        Fully identified with having a clear strategy. I don’t have one and post photos of travel, architecture, local history, mountaineering, colour splash …. and this contributes to gaining and losing followers at a heck of a rate. But I just haven’t found my niche yet as a fun blogger.
        Endorse timing of posts fully, for me it’s 8am uk time with most followers in Europe and Asia
        Hashtags …. yes with a balance between descriptive tags and gallery/hub tags. I’ve tended to overdose the gallery tags recently meaning I get overloaded with all their posts.
        Engage with followers… absolutely! I recently built to 450 followers in a couple of months but found that only 150 engaged at all with “likes”, around 50 were regular “commenters” and 20 or so engaged in direct messaging. So, I removed 300 of them keeping only the best 150, and made my account private. The upshot of this is that most of that 150 engage regularly and I don’t have to wade through masses of selfie crap before reaching the good ones. I get 2-3 requests a day to follow me and select only those with a clear affinity.
        George, hope this isn’t too condescending but enjoyed the whole article, still cogitation on the SEO bit! You inspired me to write my own article on personal travel apps posting later today ….. you might like to reblog it or collaborate 😂😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. First off, thank you so much for taking the time to provide such a thorough review! Your comments are truly appreciated and I hope others are able to take away value from you town personal experiences with some of the topics discussed in the publication. It is good for myself to receive this level of feedback as a reminder that all of us have unique endeavors and as such can learn from each other. Thank you again and I look forward to hearing some more of your thoughts and experiences in the future!


    1. Awesome feedback, Thank you!! The goal really is to provide useful nuggets of guidance which can be hard depending on what people’s individual goals are. Working on the next version now! Cheers and thanks again!


    1. Cool! This is my goal and given the positive responses I have received I will be putting out more information soon. Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback. Best wishes!

      Liked by 1 person

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